The Linda Ulland Memorial Gardens, in the second phase of construction, is awaiting installation in early July of new and fun statuary illustrating the uniqueness of each variety of gardens.
Linda Ulland Memorial Gardens
We had a wonderful afternoon yesterday with Nolita and her grandma, Alma Christensen. The 'wrong plants' were pulled out and the 'right plants' were put back into a re-shaped flatter foraging gard
The seeds travel only a short distance from the mother plant when the cylindrical spikes are shaken by the wind.
A Forager's Garden is unique in these parts...mostly because plants to be foraged are wild, native and not usually neatly tucked into a gard
Click to download a PDF of landscape plan for the upcoming outdoor garden classroom.
Can you recognize weeds among patches of perennials like milkweed, sedum, bergamot, asters or prairie phlox?
People sometimes call these flowers button snakeroot or gayfeather. This plant can grow up to six feet tall!
The nectar of the flowers attracts primarily long-tongued bees, butterflies, and skippers. Other visitors include moths and bee flies.
The nectar of the flowers attracts long-tongued bees, bee flies, butterflies, skippers, and hummingbird moths.