Linda Ulland Memorial Gardens

Taren Saccoman, Pequot Lakes, designed and produced the mosaic which now surrounds the exterior side of the door leading from the Learning Center into the Gardens.

Interesting article here, written by Lynn Scharenbroich of Black Pine Beach Resort, on gardens and their

Volunteers came from the campground and the Crosslake Garden Club to help the USACE staff plant the Rain Garden.

USACE staff and volunteers planted hundreds of perennials.

Planting for the butterfly garden and rain garden will take place Wednesday June 10, Thursday June 11, and Friday June 12 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The Linda Ulland Memorial Garden is a lasting Thank you to Linda as well as a way of encouraging others to enjoy what she valued so much - Wise Conservation and Preservation.

Building toward a larger interpretive gardens and learning center project.

Thanks to Bob from Lakeside Lawn & Landscape, Pequot Lakes, for creating this CAD illustrated map

Josh Porter of Avalon Sculpture will create large sculptures of a chrysalis, caterpillar, and even a couple benches that look like Smores
