US Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Areas are open to the public with restrictions through May 31, 2020.
Site Highlights
Crow Wing County’s purchase of the Historic Pequot Lakes fire tower and surrounding 41.4 acres from the Minnesota DNR has been finalized.
“Yesterday’s reception of the documents that transfers title of the fire tower to the county is a huge step forward,” County Board Chairman Paul Thiede, Pequot Lakes, states. “We can now begin to move toward a process which will eventually see it open to the public.”
One of the co-sponsors of the trailhead interpretive panel at Veterans Memorial Walking Trail was recently taking a Sunday amble there with a friend and her dog.
Linda Ulland Memorial Garden Fun Fact:
The LUMG design features storm water integration, site-sensitive plantings and educational opportunities.
Meet Thurs., June 27th at 2pm at the Dam Tender Building next to the Dam for this free informative 45-minute tour.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Campground
35507 County Road 66
For the Day of Caring, from 9am to Noon on May 8th, 2019 volunteers of the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway and student volunteers from Pequot Lakes High School will work side-by-side on the Foraging garde
We hope you all will come and celebrate Crosslake becoming a MN Audubon Bird
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District and Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association have been cooperative partners since 2004.