A big 'Paul Pat' for the Whitefish Area Lodging Association
They're one of many groups who helped make the byway better
Opinion by Lynn Scharenbroich
June 05, 2023 at 5:57 AM
There’s nothing like a pat on the back to signal appreciation.
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association coined the phrase "Paul Pat" for this purpose and has used this lighthearted, but heartfelt, honor on occasion at past annual meetings.
As the PBSBA continues to celebrate its 25-year anniversary during 2023, the enduring and significant value of the partnerships that have supported and encouraged the organization’s projects and mission deserve a huge Paul Pat.
From grant match support to sponsorships, in-kind donations to volunteer help, special project assistance by students and community folks, so many groups, businesses, jurisdictions and individuals have been the helping hand that turned projects like the Veterans Walking Trail, the 14 interpretive kiosks, the Paul Bunyan footprints and many others into the community enhancements that residents and visitors enjoy every day.
Highlighted today is the byway’s longtime partnership with the local lodging group, the Whitefish Area Lodging Association. Over the years, WALA has supported several byway projects, including the development and printing of tear-off maps that some local chambers have touted as one of their most requested items.
They’ve also been a major sponsor for the PBSBA’s Tour Guide, a travel sized booklet that’s been in use for more than a decade. WALA members have volunteered to wear the Paul Bunyan suit in parades and at local events as well.
A big Paul Pat for the Whitefish Area Lodging Association!
Visit www.paulbunyanscenicbyway.org for more information.
Lynn Scharenbroich is a Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway board member.