Paul Bunyan Clan Coming this Summer

Lots of families come to the US Army Corps of Engineers Campground in Crosslake every summer. But, this summer a BIG family is coming and they’ll be hanging around all summer long! The Bunyan family will arrive in May.

The wooden likenesses of Paul Bunyan, his sweetheart Lucette and son, little Paul, will be designed and constructed by the Pequot Lakes Art Club, overseen by art teacher, Dave Guenther. The face cut-out style provides the ever-popular photo opportunity that many people remember from vacations and travel stops over the years.rendition of what cut outs may look like at the US Army Corps of Engineers Campground in Crosslake

This is not the first set of Bunyan cut-outs that the Pequot Lakes Art Club has created. A set was also done in 2002 for the Ideal Centennial celebration. Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association chair, Lynn Scharenbroich, recalled that set and when the PBSBA started looking around for someone to make a cut-out set this year, she suggested contacting the group again.

The version this time will be constructed as one unit, all connected to a dock-style section, making it very easy and safe for photo seekers to move from one face to another.

Although the Bunyan cut-outs will be located at the Crosslake Campground, the photo opportunity will be available not only for campers, but also area residents and Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway travelers.

For information about the USACE Campgrounds, visit

Published Date: 
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Published By: 
Brainerd Dispatch