Byway News

Jenkins City Hall was a busy place on December 4, 2024. All day folks were coming in, talking for a while and leaving to make room for the next person. Babe, the Blue Ox was there all day too.
Paul Bunyan's Holiday Head of Blue Hair
Byway BylinesDecember, 2024
Survey Results!  Thanks to all of you who responded to the seven survey questions!
One of the co-sponsors of the trailhead interpretive panel at Veterans Memorial Walking Trail was recently taking a Sunday amble there with a friend and her dog.
The new Lion’s Park, located on the southeast side of the river in downtown Pine River, is the new home for one of the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway’s thirteen interpretive panels.
The new Lion’s Park, located on the southeast side of the river in downtown Pine River, is the new home for one of the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway’s fouteen interpret
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association awarded its 2024 Linda Ulland Memorial scholarship to Pequot Lakes student, Aubrey Larsen. Scholarship committee member, Mike Schwieters, presented the award at the Pequot Lakes High School Awards night in May.
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association awarded its 2024 Linda Ulland Memorial scholarship to Pequot Lakes student, Aubrey Larsen.
Byway Bylines April, 2024
Byway Bylines, March, 2024
Just a quick reminder for you to share with your students.
Water Safety Coloring Contest - Enter today
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Cross Lake Recreation Area and the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway present...
Paul Bunyan, Bobber the Water Safety Dog, Babe the Blue Ox
2024 Crosslake WinterFest SoupFest, Saturday February 3rd  Noon-3pm The Story of Paul and Babe’s Ox-tail Soup
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association's annual meeting and dinner was held on November 8 at Moonlite Bay Restaurant in Crosslake.
Byway Bylines By Lynn Scharenbroich Come one, come all!
Annual Dinner and Meeting • Wednesday, November 8, 2023 • 5 - 8pm
August Byway Bylines
Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association is gathering stories Opinion by Lynn Scharenbroich July 29, 2023 at 1:57 PM   “Here’s the story."
They're one of many groups who helped make the byway better Opinion by Lynn Scharenbroich June 05, 2023 at 5:57 AM
Careful planning helps to identify future goals and needs of a byway Opinion by Lynn Scharenbroich July 01, 2023 at 12:57 PM