Birds of the Byway
The Scenic Byway is located on a prominent migration path, which means you should keep your peepers peeled!
While exploring, watch for species like loons, owls, woodpeckers, cardinals, waxwings, and way more.

The Byway is a Major Flyway
Bunyan Country is one of the world’s major flyways for migrating birds.
Here you’ll find a unique coming together of prairie, evergreens and deciduous forests– all centered around the Mississippi River. This diverse blend of geography – with its lakes, streams, forests and wetlands – and four-season weather pattern results in a combination unlike any other in the world

Bird Sightings
A keen-eyed birder will likely log more than 100 different species in an eight-hour day.

Rare Birds
Some have even spotted rare birds like the northern goshawk or American woodcock – the find of a lifetime!

Request a Brochure
Contact us to request a full-color Birds of the Byway brochure and map – including a Tour Guide Checklist.
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