Current Members
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of all our wonderful members, funders and volunteers.
- A-Pine Family Restaurant
- AmericInn Lodges & Suites
- Bait Box Marina*
- Bay View Lodge*
- Bites Pub & Grub
- Black Pine Beach Resort*
- Boyd Lodge*
- Breezy Point Resort*
- Carol Ottoson*
- City of Jenkins
- Crosslake Auto Body
- Crosslake Communications*
- Crosslake Drug
- Crow Wing Power
- Dairy Queen-Pequot Lakes
- Dean Brandt
- Don & Deanna Engen
- Don and Buff Spies*
- Don and Deanna Engen*
- Don Hickman & Sandra Kaplan
- Duane and Carolyn Blanck
- Expression Shoe Center
- First National Bank*
- Ginny Arvig/Arvig Family
- Hanneken Insurance Agency
- Hunt Utilities Group/Happy Dancing Turtle
- Ideal Community Service Organization
- Ideal Township
- Initiative Foundation
- Jean Segerstrom*
- Jenkins Township
- JM Plein Consulting – John and Mary Plein
- Joell Tvedt-Pequot Lakes Community Education
- John & Karen Larsen
- John Pierron*
- Lakes State Bank*
- Lakeside Lawn and Landscape*
- Lynn and Bob Scharenbroich
- Mary Adeline Johnson Estate
- Mary Lu & Dick Dietz – Birch Breeze Charitable Fund
- Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant*
- Patty and Jerry Norgaard
- Paul and Lynn Hunt*
- Paul Ulland – Fidelity Charitable Fund
- Pine River Chamber of Commerce
- Richard Ulland
- Rod Nelson
- Silver Creek Traders*
- Sourcewell
- TDS Telecom*
- Tim Bray
- Timothy Township
- Todd and Jill Beyer*
- Tony and Bonnie Coffey
- Towering Pines Resort – Dave and Mary Badger*
- Tremolo
- Ulland Brothers, Inc.
- Wells-Fargo Bank*
- Whitefish Area Lodging Association
- Whitefish Golf Club*
- Wildwedge Golf
- Your Boat Club
Bold indicates Group of 54 member
* Indicates charter members established starting 1998
In-kind / Volunteer
- Brenda Brittan, Master Gardeners, U of M Extension Program
- Crow Wing County Highway Department
- Echo Publishing
- Mary and John Plein, JM Plein Consulting
- Mike Schwieters
- Millner Estate Planning, Crosslake, MN
- Pequot Lakes Community Education
- Region Five Development Commission
- SWIM Creative, Duluth, MN
- TJ Grauma
Major Donors
- Crosslake – Ideal Lions
- Crow Wing Power Community Trust
- Dairy Queen – Pequot Lakes/Pine River
- First National Bank North, Crosslake
- Ideal Community Service Organization
- Ideal Township
- Initiative Foundation
- Rod Nelson
- Pequot Lakes Historical Society
- Lynn and Bob Scharenbroich
- Sourcewell
- Ulland Brothers, Inc.
- Whitefish Area Lodging Association
- Chambers of Commerce: Brainerd, Crosslake, Pequot Lakes, Pine River
- City of Jenkins
- Echo Publishing
- Explore Minnesota
- Ideal Township
- MN-DOT Scenic Byways Program
- National Scenic Byways Foundation
- Timothy Township
- US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District
Thank You!
A Bunyan-sized THANK YOU to all members and supporters!
This Is Your Byway
The Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association is made stronger because of people who care about the beauty and preservation of our area’s natural assets. If that’s you, get in touch!